ACADEMIC SOCIETY PHOENIX NAVAL GREMIO OF NAVAL COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL - GCEN PY1BJN - Official Station 15th Contest Riachuelo Naval Battle - 2016 Team: Captain Corvette Mello Santos - Supervisor PY1IBM - Sales Morenno - Coordinator PY1WX - Junior - Assistant PS7DX - Ed - Assistant ASP. Nicollas Salvador - President GCEN Object This nationwide competition is held annually by the Guild of the Naval School Communications, (GCEN) with the objective of fraternization between Civil Amateur and Military and dressage in the Gremio Aspiring communications as part of the celebrations the Battle of Riachuelo . HISTORIC At June 11, 1865, on the Parana River, near the confluence of the Arroyo Riachuelo, it was fought the most important naval battle of the campaign against Paraguay. Paraguayan adequavam- flat to the river war because they are smaller and faster than the ships of our fleet. The Almirante Barroso aboard the frigate Amazon, headed the Brazilian squad and, realizing its disadvantages, ordered his ship to invest the bow on the enemy gunboats, thus obtaining the victory, with which stopped the river area throughout the course of campaign, secured the tactical and logistical support to ground operations and preventing the enemies provide such fluvial support his troops. The Imperial Fleet lost the Jequitinhonha Corvette and 104 men, among them Marcilio Dias and Greenhalgh, all with high sense of duty and love of country. "The BRAZIL EXPECTED TO COMPLY WITH EACH HIS DUTY" - was the signal spread by Barroso to your commands and still today remains alive in the memory of all sailors. It is in this spirit that the Navy of Brazil fulfills its duty to participate in the guarantee of sovereignty of our country. DATE - end room full week of June SCHEDULES - 2016 - YEAR XV CW Start: 21:00 (PT2) 24 / Jun / 2016 - Friday End: 17:59 (PT2) 25 / Jun / 2016 - Saturday. Phone Start: 18:00 (PT2) 25 / Jun / 2016 - Saturday: End: 18:00 (PT2) 26 / Jun / 2016 - Sunday. NOTE: The log should be released in time UTC (Brasilia + 3) BANDS They will be held in tracks 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. CATEGORIES 1-Single Operator - Classes: A 2-Single Operator - Classes: B 3 Single Operator - Classes: C 4-Single Operadora Female: (YL) 5 Groups - Clubs, Associations and Multi-operator stations - (can be used one (1) call sign with several radio amateurs operating, representing a guild or group) 6 QRP - (up to 5 watts output) 7 Military Stations OM - (operated station within Military Organization) 8 Military Station Single - Military active and remunerated Reserve Officers and Sergeants R/2 or Pensioners of the three Armed Forces and Reserve Forces - Military Police and Military Fire Corps). CALL CW: CQ BNR Phone: CQ RIACHUELO Exchange Single Operator - Class A, B, C ----- RS(T)+UF Single Operator Female- (YL) --------------- RS(T)+YL Groups - Clubs, Associations and Multi-Operators ------- RS(T)+UF QRP stations ------------------------------------------- RS(T)+QRP Military stations (OM and Single) ---------------------- RS(T)+MIL PUNCTUATION QSO with PY1BJN = 10 points QSO with military stations (OM and Single) = 08 QSO points QSO with YLS stations = 06 points QSO with QRP Stations = 03 QSO points QSO with other stations = 02 points The final score is obtained by adding the points of all bands X UF worked, only once, regardless of band. MULTIPLIERS Different states (UF) Brazil (see table) the Brazilian Islands (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Penedos de Sao Pedro and Sao Paulo, Trinity Island, Atol das Rocas, Martim Vaz Islands) and the Antarctic region in communications, worked one once. TROPHY CW: 1st place: trophy + diploma, by category. (8) Phone: 1st place: trophy + diploma, by category. (8) OBS .: All competitors must download the certificate in digital format on site LOGS and RESULTS We will only accept the log in the format "CABRILLO". We suggest using the N1MM and MixW software Will be considered "Military OM Station" that operated within a military organization and "Military Single Station" which has a ham operator Military. All contacts are released following the UTC time. The log will only be received via e-mail until the 10th day after the end of the contest. By e-mail: The result will be announced in August the same year on the site: AWARDS' CEREMONY The award is scheduled for the month of September of the same year at the Naval Academy. SUPPORT ************************************LOG MODEL*********************************8 START-OF-LOG: 3.0 CONTEST: CBNR CALLSIGN: PS7DX CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP A CATEGORY-BAND: ALL OPERATORS: PS7DX LOCATION: RN CLAIMED-SCORE: 938 CLUB: NDG CREATED-BY: MixW 3.1.1 NAME: Francisco E P de Freitas ADDRESS: Av. Sao Miguel dos Caribes 31 ADDRESS-CITY: Natal ADDRESS-POSTALCODE: 59086-500 ADDRESS-COUNTRY: Brasil E-MAIL: SOAPBOX: QSO: 7040 CW 2016-06-05 0948 PS7DX 599 RN PY1TS 599 RJ QSO: 7040 CW 2016-06-05 1020 PS7DX 599 RN PS7NN 599 RN QSO: 7040 CW 2016-06-05 1026 PS7DX 599 RN PS7YL 599 YL QSO: 21070 CW 2016-06-05 1357 PS7DX 599 RN PP5ZAP 599 SC QSO: 21070 CW 2016-06-05 1359 PS7DX 599 RN PU2RSP 599 SP QSO: 21070 CW 2016-06-05 1401 PS7DX 599 RN ZV2K 599 SP QSO: 21070 CW 2016-06-05 1404 PS7DX 599 RN PS7GL 599 RN QSO: 21070 CW 2016-06-05 1414 PS7DX 599 RN PU2TRX 599 SP QSO: 21070 CW 2016-06-05 1529 PS7DX 599 RN PS7YL 599 YL QSO: 21071 CW 2016-06-05 1544 PS7DX 599 RN PY2DS 599 QRP QSO: 14070 CW 2016-06-05 1605 PS7DX 599 RN PY2DS 599 QRP QSO: 14070 CW 2016-06-05 1605 PS7DX 599 RN PP5ZAP 599 SC QSO: 28120 CW 2016-06-05 1848 PS7DX 599 RN PS7GL 599 RN QSO: 28120 CW 2016-06-05 1853 PS7DX 599 RN PT9JFM 599 MS QSO: 14070 CW 2016-06-05 1916 PS7DX 599 RN PS7NN 599 RN QSO: 14070 CW 2016-06-05 1917 PS7DX 599 RN PS7AW 599 QRP QSO: 14070 CW 2016-06-05 1930 PS7DX 599 RN PT9JFM 599 MS QSO: 7040 CW 2016-06-05 1936 PS7DX 599 RN PS7AW 599 QRP QSO: 7040 CW 2016-06-05 1938 PS7DX 599 RN PP5ZAP 599 SC QSO: 7039 CW 2016-06-05 2006 PS7DX 599 RN PR7AP 599 PB QSO: 7043 CW 2016-06-05 2009 PS7DX 599 RN PR7AR 599 QRP QSO: 7041 CW 2016-06-05 2018 PS7DX 599 RN PS7GL 599 RN QSO: 7041 CW 2016-06-05 2021 PS7DX 599 RN PP7DX 599 AL QSO: 3580 CW 2016-06-05 2047 PS7DX 599 RN PS7GL 599 RN QSO: 7040 CW 2016-06-05 2058 PS7DX 599 RN PP7KVA 599 AL END-OF-LOG:---